Cathedral gay bar boston

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Enter through a fresh pine tree forest, where you will find 105 local art & food vendors for the ultimate artisan shopping experience. SoWa Winter Festival & Holiday Market ( December 3–12, 2021) The annual SoWa Winter Festival offers ten days of excellent holiday shopping, Christmas lights, and seasonal treats.Browse handmade gifts and crafted knick-knacks, artisan chocolates, olives and olive oil from Greece, and West African crafts. The fair hosts selected vendors from all over New England and beyond. Harvard Square Holiday Fair (December 10–12, 17–19, 2021) – A charming Winter Market in Harvard Square spread out over two weekends.The Holiday Market at Snowport ( November 19, 2021–January 2, 2022) – Boston’s longest running Winter Fair in the heart of the Seaport neighborhood featuring more than 100 small businesses selling gifts, crafts, and finger-licking goodies, such as craft brews, hot chocolate, and waffles.Boston Christmas Markets, Festivals & Fairs The Loews Boston Hotel is a classic but modern option with large rooms and high end amenities. Stay at the South end close to some of the city’s best gay bars, eclectic stores and great restaurants. The city hosts some spectacular Christmas shows and is full of holiday cheer. Christmas and New Year in Boston is a festive and magical occasions with the city transformed into a wonderland of lights and decorations.

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